Obsolete & Discontinued

Dear friends! I am happy to share the crowdfunding campaign for an awesome collaborative project Obsolete & Discontinued put together by Mike Crawford, including works from over 60 international photographers. I'm glad that I'm one of them and that my work will be a part of the exhibition in London and the photobook which is currently in production. You can support the project by pre-ordering the book or grabbing one of the other available perks!

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Andrej Lamut
Delavnica Pinhole fotografije

Konec avgusta se na pridružite na fotografski delavnici za odrasle z Andrejem Lamutom. Spoznavali bomo temeljne principe delovanja fotografskega aparata, zapisa podobe na fotografski papir in ročnega razvijanja fotografij v temnici. Vabljeni!

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Andrej Lamut
Otvoritev fotografske razstave: Andrej Lamut: RE:MOVE

Re:Move je pregled avtorjevega ustvarjanja na odru plesne skupine EnKnapGroup, s katero kot fotograf sodeluje od leta 2012. Fotografije, ki nastajajo ob predstavah so zanj več kot le dokument zaporedja gibov. Fotografija, kot statičen medij, v resnici niti ne more verodostojno in v celoti zajeti kompleksnosti gibanja, ki gradi koreografijo. Njena moč je drugje; s tem, ko iz giba odstrani gibanje, mu odvzame tudi čas, podari pa mu trajnost. Gib postane neskončen, plesalci na fotografijah pa v njem večno ujeti.

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Parallel: Being / Seeing Exhibition Launch

Join us for the launch of PARALLEL EXHIBITION: BEING / SEEING at Riverlights, Morledge in Derby.

Being / Seeing is an exhibition showcasing the work of a number of emerging artists participating in PARALLEL, a European Platform that brings together creative organisations committed to promoting cross-cultural exchanges and mentorships in order to set new standards in contemporary photography.

The exhibition is a part of FORMAT International Photography Festival off year programme. For full listings of events including portfolio reviews, talks and more visit: www.formatfestival.com

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Andrej Lamut
If you're in Porto tomorrow, come to our open studios at DE LICEIRAS 18!

De Liceiras 18 welcomes you back to their monthly Open Studios!

'EMERGENCY EXIT' explores the idea of the creative process as an 'emergency exit' from everyday life.

Seven artists have been in their very own 'emergency exits' at De Liceiras 18 as part of their month-long residency.

Please come and join us for an exciting night of art, music, food, drinks, and celebration!


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Andrej Lamut
Enrolled in PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform

Skupaj z UGM l Umetnostna galerija Maribor sodelujem v mednarodnem projektu PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform, ki se bo prihodnji teden z razstavo del 25 mladih evropskih fotografov začel v Lizboni. Sam se bom v uvodnem delu predstavil s projektom Nokturno, v nadaljevanju pa bom pod mentorstvom izbranih tutorjev začel razvijati novo serijo fotografij, ki bo premierno predstavljena februarja v Kaunasu v Litvi.

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Andrej Lamut